Examples of search filters for immigrant health and related concepts include:
Immigrant Health
Search filters: Final, validated search filters for searching PubMed, last updated November 2022. Future updated filters available at https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/B6EMH.
Article: Meeting a need: development and validation of PubMed search filters for immigrant populations (Wafford QE, Miller CH, Wescott AB, Kubilius RK, J Med Lib Assoc 112(1): 32-42, January 2024): DOI: https://doi.org/10.5195/jmla.2024.1716
Databases and further assistance
Immigrant health information is often multi-disciplinary. Refer to Galter Library's guide for core and A - Z database lists to identify databases that can be searched to retrieve potentially relevant literature. Need more assistance? Consult with Galter Library's liaison librarians for other information research and literature review support services.