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Immigrant Health

This guide is a starting point for learning about and starting research on immigrant health, as well as refugee and migrant health.


Search Filters and Databases

Search filters or hedges are topic-specific search terms. They can provide starting points for structuring literature searching strategies or help to narrow literature search results by article type, text availability, publication date, species, language, sex, age, and other. They often are database-specific and may need to be converted to fit the syntax of each database other than the one for which they are initially designed.

Examples of search filters for immigrant health and related concepts include:

Immigrant Health


Databases and further assistance

  • EthnoMed- information about cultural beliefs, medical issues and other topics related to the health care of immigrants to the U.S. (Developed originally for clinicians and health care providers working with immigrant and refugee populations in the greater Seattle area.)
  • Immigrant health information is often multi-disciplinary. Refer also to Galter Library's guide for core and A - Z database lists to identify databases that can be searched to retrieve potentially relevant literature.

Need more assistance? Consult with Galter Library's liaison librarians for other information research and literature review support services.