Examples of search filters for immigrant health and related concepts include:
Immigrant Health
Search filters: Final, validated search filters for searching PubMed, last updated November 2022. Filters in in searchRxiv: 10.1079/searchRxiv.2024.004511 (broad) and 10.1079/searchRxiv.2024.00452 (focused)]. Future updated filters available at https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/B6EMH.
Article: Meeting a need: development and validation of PubMed search filters for immigrant populations (Wafford QE, Miller CH, Wescott AB, Kubilius RK, J Med Lib Assoc 112(1): 32-42, January 2024): DOI: https://doi.org/10.5195/jmla.2024.1716
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