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How to Find Resources

Find journals, books, and more.

Where do I begin?

Galter Library has several resources to get you started with your research, and if you still need help, feel free to contact us for answers to your specific questions.

  • Ebook collections allow you to search inside multiple books simultaneously. This is especially useful if you're not sure which area you should be focusing on.
  • GalterGuides are lists of recommended resources, both print and electronic, and are a good place to start to get an overview of a topic's resources.
  • Popular databases at Galter Library: the library's most popular journal literature and drug information databases
  • Research and systematic review support: Contact us to set up a consult with a library information expert before you embark on a major research project.

The right resource for your question

I need: Example: Resources to consider:

an overview of a particular disease, condition

background information

What's the difference between depression and bipolar disorder?

I have a new patient with sickle cell anemia; I need an overview of this condition.

Textbooks (print or online)



drug information

What is the pediatric dosage of erythromycin for strep throat?

What drugs have been approved by the FDA for the tx of Alzheimer's?

Clinical Pharmacology Online


PubMed or Embase for more specific information

a synthesis of best practice recommendations for disease management

(critically-appraised topics)

What's the latest on the management of panic disorder?

What's the best method of pain control in children?

Cochrane Library

PubMed Clinical Queries – Systematic Reviews

Guideline Central

PubMed (Filter to “Practice Guideline” article type)

TRIP [simultaneously searches multiple evidence-based resources]

an answer to a narrow question that isn’t addressed in the synthesis resources

(critically-appraised articles and unfiltered information)

In a 70 year old woman with primary insomnia and a previous adverse reaction to hypnotics, can cognitive behavior therapy improve sleep quality and duration?

In a toddler with croup, does dexamethasone (or other glucocorticoids) reduce symptoms better than standard supportive care?

PubMed Clinical Queries – Clinical Study Category

ACP Journal Club

TRIP [simultaneously searches multiple evidence-based resources]

evidence-based information about alternative therapies

Is melatonin safe and effective for treating insomnia?

Does music therapy help surgical patients heal faster?

PubMed (Filter to “Complementary Medicine” Subject under Show Additional Filters > Subjects > Customize; combine with “RCT” Article type)

TRIP [simultaneously searches multiple evidence-based resources]

cutting edge information that isn’t yet published in the journal literature (not necessarily evidence-based)

My patient heard about a new drug for xxxx on 20-20 last night. It’s brand new and not in CPO or MEDLINE. Where can I find more information about it?

News Resources (Lexis-Nexis Academic)

Web Resources (Google; Google Scholar)

information to share with patients

Where can I find some nutrition information for my newly-diagnosed patient with diabetes?


Patient Education handouts in ClinicalKey

Health Information from NMH Alberto Culver Health Learning Center


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