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Welcome alumni of the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine! We are pleased to offer you information about our library services. Use us to stay informed, organized, and connected. Visit us, get research assistance, or take a class. Check out our selection of freely-available journal, book, and database collections below. And remember, we're just a phone call or mouse-click away.
Only alumni of the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (or as it was formerly known, the Northwestern University Medical School) and the Dental and Nursing Schools at Northwestern University are eligible to use library services at the Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center. All other alumni should contact the library of the school from which they graduated or their alumni group to find out about services offered to alumni of other schools at Northwestern University.
Access: The library entrance is located at on Superior Street (320 East Superior), between the security desk and Starbucks. Visitors to the library must show a Northwestern University Wildcard or affiliated hospital ID badge when entering. Please refer to the Library's Hours and Access before visiting.
Use of library computers requires login with NU NetIDs. To use a library computer, alumni should request a guest NetID at the library's front desk.