- BioMed Central — an independent publishing house committed to providing immediate free access to peer-reviewed biomedical research.
- DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) —this service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals.
- Free Medical Journals — is dedicated to the promotion of free access to medical journals over the Internet.
- Highwire Press — more than 1.3 million free, full-text articles online.
- Paperity — aggregated Open Access journals and papers.
- Public Library of Science — a nonprofit scientific publishing venture that will provide high-quality, high-profile journal articles.
- PubMed Central — a digital archive of life sciences journal literature managed by the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information at the National Library of Medicine.
Due to publisher licensing restrictions, the Galter Health Sciences Library is unable to provide alumni with remote access to licensed online journals.
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