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Generative AI Guide

A Guide to Generative AI Resources for Students, Faculty, and Researchers at FSM

Generative AI at Northwestern

This guide is meant to provide a general overview of Generative AI, including policies at Northwestern University and within the Feinberg School of Medicine. This is not a comprehensive resource, but rather a primer on this topic, intended to direct users to generative AI tools as well as resources for using these tools for teaching, writing, and researching in an ethical manner. 

This guide is a work in progress. We welcome any feedback you may have at

Examples of GenAI Based Tools

The following are a few free-to-use tools that exist in the GenAI space. This is not a comprehensive list. Be aware that these are not endorsements by FSM.

ChatGPT utilizes one of the largest (known) datasets to power its operation and is seemingly capable of a variety of complex tasks. However, it is only as good as the information it draws from, which is currently up to date as far as 2021.  It also may contain contradictory, biased, or false information. 

Search-capable tools:

  • Bing AI (Restricted to Microsoft Edge) leverages ChatGPT in the backend to allow for a more conversational way to search the Internet.
  • Google Gemini is Google’s chatbot, similar to ChatGPT, with the added ability to be connected to the Internet and retrieve more current information.

These are tools that are free for individual use:

  • Explainpaper allows users to upload a paper, highlight confusing text, and get an explanation.
  • Goblin Tools is a collection of small, simple, single-task tools, mostly designed to help neurodivergent people with tasks they find overwhelming or difficult.
  • Codeium is a code completion and assistance tool that can assist coders in their code and improve efficiency.
  • CodeWhisperer is a coding companion from Amazon that can generate code suggestions based on your comments and existing code.

Many repositories for GenAI tools such as FuturepediaFuture ToolsHugging Face Spaces, and Supertools also exist to search for tools as they further proliferate.

Use Cases for Generative AI