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Northwestern Elements

Northwestern Elements is web-based warehouse of information about scholarly products.

Overview of Author Identifiers

Claim Author Identifiers


When you go to the Automatic Claiming page, you may see a list of data sources under the "Do these identify you?" section. Elements harvests these identifiers from data sources based on search settings already in the system and an algorithm that looks for identifiers associated with your harvested publications.

Here's how to manage these identifiers: 

1. Review the list of identifiers.

2. Use the Yes, No or Ignore button beside each identifier to tell Elements what it should do when it finds this identifier in a publication. If you are unsure whether an identifier is yours, click on the identifier's link to check the identifier's profile at its data source.

Button Action Effect When to Use
Yes Auto claim publications
  • Automatically claims new items with this identifier for your profile.
  • Shows this identifier on your profile.
  • Uses the identifier to download and claim items automatically.
Use if you’re certain the identifier belongs to you and want publications automatically added to your profile.
Auto Suggest Suggest publications
  • Places new items associated with this identifier in your pending list for manual review.
  • Shows this identifier on your profile.
  • Uses the identifier to download pending items.
Use if you want to manually review publications before adding them to your profile.
No Auto reject publications
  • Automatically rejects items where this identifier is the only match to your name.
  • Helps the system infer other identifiers (e.g., email addresses) that are not yours.
Use if the identifier is not yours and should not associate with your profile.
Ignore Take no action
  • Prevents automatic actions for this identifier.
  • Publications matching your name-based settings may still appear in your pending list.
Use if you’re unsure or don’t want the system to take any action on this identifier.

NOTE: To access the 'Auto reject' and the 'Ignore' options, click on either No or Ignore. The difference between the two buttons is which option is offered as the default.

Pending Identifiers in Automatic Claiming

Pending Identifiers in Automatic Claiming

Once logged in to Elements and impersonating (For Super Users only) the desired user follow these steps. To watch a video demonstration of this process, click here.

  1. Click on the Menu icon in the top left corner.
  2. Under "My Profile" locate the Settings list and click on Automatic Claiming.
  3. Under "Do these identify you?" there may be a list of different data sources, identifiers, and email addresses. Elements will review the metadata in your claimed publications and suggest others. For each identifier listed:
    a. Click on YES if the identifier belongs to the impersonated faculty member.
    b. Click on NO if the identifier that does not belong to the impersonated faculty member. If unsure whether an identifier is theirs, click on it to access the profile at its data source. [NOTE: this is not available for email addresses].
    c. Click on IGNORE if the status of the identifier remains unknown but it should no longer appear in the list of potential data sources.
  4. Claim applicable identifiers and reject the rest until there are none pending.

Claiming Known Identifiers

Claiming Known Identifiers

If a known identifier is not listed in the “Do these identify you?” suggestions:

  1. Click on the desired database under “Add external profiles.”
  2. Enter the identifier into the blank field, then click on Next. [NOTE: an ORCID identifier can only be manually added by entering the individual's ORCID username and password for system authentication].
  3. Click on Auto claim associated items, then click on Confirm to save the identifier. This ensures new items associated with this identifier will be automatically claimed, and allows the system to show this identifier on the user's profile.
  4. Email addresses can also be used to automatically claim publications. If a known email address is not listed in the “Do these identify you?” suggestions:
    a. Click on Email address under "Add email addresses."

    b. Enter the email address into the blank field, then click on Next.

    c. Click on Auto claim associated items, then click on Confirm to save the email address. This ensures new items associated with this email will be automatically claimed, and allows the system to show this address on the user's profile.

Claiming an ORCID in Northwestern Elements

Claiming an ORCID in Northwestern Elements

Once logged in to Elements and impersonating (For Super Users only) the desired user, follow these instructions. To watch a video demonstration of this process, click here.

  1. Click on the Menu icon in the top left corner.
  2. Under "My Profile" locate the Settings list and click on ORCID Settings.
  3. Click on Register or Connect your ORCID ID. One of the two boxes below will display, depending on if the user previously "claimed" their ORCID ID in Elements, but regardless the profile still needs to be connected by clicking on the button (to login). [NOTE: an ORCID identifier can only be manually added by entering the individual's ORCID username and password for system authentication].

  4. Enter the login information into the ORCID window that pops up, then click on Sign In. In the following window click on Authorize access to confirm the permission.

  5. The default configuration for the interaction between NU Elements and ORCID is "read data from my ORCID account." [Permitting NU Elements to read data allows NU Elements to use information in the ORCID account to improve search results.] Change this setting by clicking on the first option, read from and write publication data to my ORCID account. [Permitting NU Elements to write publication data allows NU Elements to send these publications to ORCID, keeping the ORCID account up-to-date with trusted information.]
  6. Confirm the setting change by clicking on OK in the pop-out window.
  7. Next make sure to select the first two options under "Manage which publications will be sent." The first option ensures only journal articles with a publication status of 'published' or 'published online' will be sent to ORCID. [If this option is not selected then all journal articles will be sent to ORCID.] The second option enables all publications to be sent to ORCID regardless of their privacy level. [Otherwise by default only publications that have an object privacy level of Public and a relationship privacy level of Public will be sent to ORCID.] Note, the ‘review these publications’ link will filter your publications based on the relationship privacy setting due to the cascading nature of these settings. Click on Save to finish.
  8. Finally, make sure to click on both the Run sync and Send affiliation buttons to push the publications and pertinent employment information from the NU Elements profile to the ORCID profile.

Manage and Delete Profiles

Manage and Delete Profiles

To manage a particular identifier:

  1. Under External Profiles click on the Manage button to the right of an identifier.
  2. Choose a new option to change how the identifier is handled, then click on Confirm to save the setting.
    a. Click on Auto claim associated items if the identifier belongs to the impersonated faculty member. This ensures new items associated with this identifier will be automatically claimed, and allows the system to show this identifier on the user's profile.
    b. Click on Auto suggest associated items to send new items associated with this identifier to the user's pending list, where each publication can be individually claimed or rejected. This also allows the system to show this identifier on the user's profile.
    c. Click on Auto reject associated items if the identifier does not belong to the impersonated faculty member. This ensures automatic rejection of pending items associated with this identifier. If publications associated with this identifier have already been claimed, click the empty box next to the first bullet point to also reject these items. If unsure whether an identifier is theirs, click on the identifier's link to check the profile at its data source [NOTE: not available for email addresses].
    d. Click on Ignore this ID if the status of the identifier remains unknown but it should no longer appear in the list of potential data sources. This ensures that no special action will be taken when this identifier is seen.


To delete an identifier:

  1. Under External Profiles click on the Manage button to the right of an identifier.
  2. Select Auto reject associated items to automatically reject publications associated with this identifier, then click the empty box next to the first bullet point to also reject previously claimed publications associated with this identifier. Leave this box empty to keep the previously claimed publications.
  3. Click on Confirm to save the new setting.