Click on one of the following titles to directly access that section.
When you go to the Automatic Claiming page, you may see a list of data sources under the "Do these identify you?" section. Elements harvests these identifiers from data sources based on search settings already in the system and an algorithm that looks for identifiers associated with your harvested publications.
Here's how to manage these identifiers:
1. Review the list of identifiers.
2. Use the Yes, No or Ignore button beside each identifier to tell Elements what it should do when it finds this identifier in a publication. If you are unsure whether an identifier is yours, click on the identifier's link to check the identifier's profile at its data source.
Button | Action | Effect | When to Use |
Yes | Auto claim publications |
Use if you’re certain the identifier belongs to you and want publications automatically added to your profile. |
Auto Suggest | Suggest publications |
Use if you want to manually review publications before adding them to your profile. |
No | Auto reject publications |
Use if the identifier is not yours and should not associate with your profile. |
Ignore | Take no action |
Use if you’re unsure or don’t want the system to take any action on this identifier. |
NOTE: To access the 'Auto reject' and the 'Ignore' options, click on either No or Ignore. The difference between the two buttons is which option is offered as the default.
Once logged in to Elements and impersonating (For Super Users only) the desired user follow these steps. To watch a video demonstration of this process, click here.
If a known identifier is not listed in the “Do these identify you?” suggestions:
Once logged in to Elements and impersonating (For Super Users only) the desired user, follow these instructions. To watch a video demonstration of this process, click here.
To manage a particular identifier:
To delete an identifier: