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A guide to searching MEDLINE using the Ovid platform.

Search Options

Screen shot of search type selections.

There are six different search options in Ovid MEDLINE.

  • Basic Search uses natural language searching. If you use a basic search, it's a good idea to check the box labeled "Include Related Terms" to search synonyms. Use the Advanced Search tab for more control and accuracy. 
  • Find Citation allows you to enter information about a specific reference (e.g. author name, journal title, etc.) to retrieve a specific reference. 
  • Search Tools provides a number of tools to help you create better searches.
  • Search Fields provides you with the option to search within specific fields of a database record (e.g. author name, institution name, gene symbol, grant number, etc.).
  • Advanced Search is the default search. The Advanced Search allows you to construct more precise searches by using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and subheadings.  
  • Multi-Field Search allows you to search multiple fields at one time.

Screen shot of Basic Search.

Screen shot of search information.

Select the "Include Related Terms" box when using the Basic Search feature to automatically include synonym terms for a more thorough search.

The search information box displays the various terms added to your search when you included related terms.