The most effective way to print, save, or e-mail your records is to review the list of records first and select those you want to keep. Select the articles you want by placing a checkmark in the box in front of the record. When you have finished selecting your records, use the output options above your search results, to print, e-mail, or export the records.
Depending on which output option you choose, a pop-up window with a number of options will appear. The Print, Email, and Export options allow you to select how much information you want to include. Your choices are: Citation, Citation + Abstract, Citation + Abstract + Subject Headings, or Complete Reference (Complete Reference does not include full-text. To print full-text, choose the Full-text link next to the citation in the results list, where available).
It is also possible to save searches to the Ovid server. You will then be able to re-run those searches at another time. A personal Ovid account is required for this feature.
At the bottom of your search history is a Save Search History button. It will not appear until you have performed at least one search in Ovid.
When you save a search history, you will be prompted to log into your personal Ovid account or create an account at that time. You can have more than one Ovid account (e.g. you may want to have one for your own searches and one that several people can access for collaboration).