StatPearls: Board review resource and question bank.
Galter Library subscription includes:
- Medical- USMLE 1
- Medical- USMLE 2
- Medical- USMLE 3
- Medical- Shelf Exam Package
- Physician Assistant (PANCE)
- Physical Therapy
Registration page:
Mobile App: available for iOS and Android. Go to the app store, download the app, then use the email address and password used for the general access to the app. The app syncs seamlessly with the laptop / computer version.
- Access Mobile App--personalized interactive learning. See McGraw-Hill guide to view what content is available on the app and how to install it on your mobile device. Note: You may need to connect to Galter Library's institutional subscription (to AccessMedicine) for access to the resources in this LibGuide. To engage with all the content and resources on the Access App, users need to create a free Access profile in the Access Medical site to which Galter Library subscribes: AccessMedicine.
- StatPearls - Only free informational content in NCBI Bookshelf; external links may require creating an account.
- UWorld self-study QBank--NOTE: License and access is managed by Feinberg School of Medicine Augusta Webster Office of Medical Education (AWOME)
- UptoDate integration with Anki (a content-agnostic program that features flash cards for review and learning, as well as other features). UpToDate-Anki Tutorial video.