Beginning July 1, 2020, users accessing library electronic resources will sign in as usual using Online Passport, and will then be prompted to use Multi-factor Authentication (MFA).
This means journals, databases, and e-books will require this extra security step before becoming accessible to our community. The Northwestern community should already be familiar with this technology, which is now required to access many self-service University-wide systems, including myHR, NUFinancials, CAESAR, and GlobalProtect VPN.
Why are we making this change? This security upgrade has been in the works for some time, because passwords alone are no longer adequate to protect us from theft of our academic intellectual property. When even a single password is compromised, it can result (and has, on several occasions) in the campus-wide deactivation of our access to valuable resources.
How to Set up and Use Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
Note: If you already have your phone/device set up to do multi-factor authentication at NU (for example to access MyHR, NUFinancials, or any other NU system that requires MFA) you do not need to set up MFA/Duo again.
If you have not already done so, please set up your Duo Mobile MFA account with these straightforward steps:
Northwestern Information Technology (NIT) provides information around Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) and how the technology is implemented at Northwestern University. NIT also provides MFA Knowledgebase articles, which cover common support scenarios to assist the academic community with MFA. We strongly recommend that users go to these pages first if they have issues or questions on Multi-factor Authentication.
The following FAQ focuses on how Multi-factor Authentication will specifically impact access to the library’s electronic resources. A Glossary of terminology around EZproxy and Multi-factor Authentication is provided at the end of this page.