To build a search using the MeSH Database:
- Choose MeSH Database under "More Resources" on the PubMed home page.
- Enter your first search concept.
- Click Search.
- A list of possible MeSH terms will appear or, if your search concept matches a MeSH term exactly, the detailed record for that MeSH term will display.
- Click on the blue link for your preferred MeSH term to view the detailed record (if in a list of terms).
- Select appropriate subheadings if desired.
- Restrict retrieval to Major Topic headings if desired.
- Below the PubMed search builder box on the right, choose Add to search builder with AND or OR.
- Your search term(s) will appear in the PubMed search builder box.
- Repeat the steps to add more search terms and build your search.
- When all of your search concepts are added, click the Search PubMed button below the PubMed search builder.