To create a new review:
There is no limit on the number of reviews one can create.
There is only one owner for each review, also called the creator of the review.
Only the creator of the review can invite collaborators and can change the blind setting (Blind OFF/ON).
Rayyan claims to be compatible with the following text formats: EndNote Export (.enw), RIS, CSV and PubMed XML. However, we have found that RIS exports from a number of databases fail to import successfully into Rayyan. We advise different approaches depending on your context:
To add new records to an existing Rayyan project (e.g. when performing a search update for a systematic review), open the project, and then click on "New Search" in the top right hand corner.
NOTE: We recommend completing all of your database searches, importing all records into a citation management package such Endnote, and deduplicating your records before importing into Rayyan.
With the exception of duplicate records identified by Rayyan, it is not possible to edit or delete individual records which have been completely imported into a Rayyan project. However, it is possible to delete an entire import by clicking on the trash can icon next to the import in the "Search methods" box on the left hand side.
Duplicate detection, resolution and reporting is still under development. We strongly recommend that you use a different software (such as EndNote) to removed the duplicated records before importing your library in Rayyan.
If you choose to use Rayyan for this purpose:
As your team screens, they can assign exclusion reasons to each excluded record. Rayyan includes a default set of reasons, which cannot be deleted. However, your team can add custom reasons, if the defaults do not meet your needs. Unfortunately, reasons created by one reviewer will not be available to all reviewers, so each reviewer will need to enter reasons as they screen.
We suggest adding reasons that align with each of your exclusion criteria. To create a reason, you will need to assign it to a record. If a custom reason is not assigned to at least one record in your review, it will be deleted (a frustrating feature in Rayyan):
There are two types of keywords in Rayyan. Keywords appear in the left-hand column:
The highlighting feature will help your team more quickly identify whether records meet your inclusion criteria. Also, you can click on a keyword in the left column to view only those records which contain the selected keyword. All review collaborators see the same keywords.
By default, your review includes predefined include and exclude keywords. Delete any irrelevant keywords by clicking the trash icon next to each term in the left-hand column.
To add a new keyword or key phrase, click "add new" in the appropriate box. Enter the desired terms, and click "OK."
Note: Rayyan will only highlight that exact term or phrase. For example, if you entered the keyword "foreign language," "foreign languages" will not be highlighted.