When you click any element on the browser's main window, you will open a page with a list of details about that element. Clicking on the black transcript in the GENCODE Transcript track for ACE opens a page that has numerous links and pieces of information about the gene and its protein products. At the top of the screen is a description of the gene and its coding region, followed by a Page Index table.
This index has quick links to portions of the page containing details of the gene. Not all genes will have a large, detailed page. Some well-studied genes, such as p53, have huge pages of links and details. Other less well-known genes will have very vew links in the page index, and little detail on the page. Where available, details of microarray expression in various tissues, protein and RNA structure and pathway information is displayed.
Below the Page Index is another table of external links or links to sequence details.
The links in green boxes on this table will take you to the corresponding data within the UCSC Genome Browser pages. The links in blue boxes will open a new window or tab in your web browser with information particular to your gene at the source database. Especially useful are the links to OMIM, GeneCards, and links to ExonPrimer and other souces where you can determine or obtain reagents for investigation of your gene. We will discuss the sequence view later in this guide.