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Library & Information Science

Library maintained guide to resources in the field of library and information science, with a focus on health sciences..

Special Focus

This list includes some topics of current interest, with links to reports, projects, and other information.


Anti-Racism / Inclusivity / Racial Science

Artificial Intelligence

Data and Open Science

Library and Information Science- academic librarianship

  • Health Science Library Practicum- Guide designed for the Loyola University Chicago, Northwestern University, and the University of Illinois at Chicago health science and medical libraries student [virtual] practicum position (offered once a year).
  • Health Sciences Virtual Internship- Internship intended for LIS or public health graduate students coordinated by librarians in the Region 6 office of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. Contact outreach specialist for more information.
  • Library and Information Science- Northwestern University Libraries guide to sources on trends, best practices, and research 

Scholarly Communications

  • The Scholarly Communication Notebook- in-development repository of community-designed and curated open resources for teaching about scholarly communication and for doing scholarly communication work in libraries

Systematic Reviews and Evidence Synthesis

Key Resources

This list includes a few key textbooks and other information sources.