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Galter Library's guide to the Scopus Database

Basic Author Search

  • To search for an author, click on the Authors tab and enter the name of an author. 
  • Scopus operates a name disambiguation algorithm running in the background. This algorithm assists in linking documents to the correct author in the event there are several authors with the same name.
  • You can also enter an affiliation name to help immediately narrow your search results.


Author Search Results

The search results list Scopus returns will include all authors it can find matching your input.  The list will include the author name, document count, h-index, affiliation, city, and country/territory.  You can sort the list by any of those categories via the drop down menu in the upper right corner of the list. 

You also have the option to refine your results via the column down the left hand side of the screen by showing exact matches only or electing to Limit to or Exclude from the categories of Affiliation, City, or Country/territory.

Author Identification Tips

Scopus provides you with additional resources to assist you in finding the author you are looking for. The author results list provides you a drop down where you can view the last title attributed to the author and indexed in Scopus.  If you are familiar with the recent work of the author you are looking for, this can be a great way to verify you have the correct person.

You can also click on the author name to view the author profile.  This profile provides detailed information on affiliation history and subject areas the author has published in, which can be helpful in identifying an author.



Author search tutorial - video

Author search tutorial - transcript