My NCBI is the NIH's portal for managing data and collections from the various databases managed by the NIH and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
Principal investigators are required to use My NCBI's My Bibliography to manage their grant+publication associations.
You can enter My NCBI from the link on any page in any NCBI database such as PubMed or the NCBI home page. The link is always displayed in the upper right corner of the page.
If you don't have a My NCBI account, you can log in via your Northwestern login credentials, ORCiD account, Google, or many more options and an account will be made for you.
Note: Once you have an NCBI account, it will be yours even if you change institutions. Your NCBI account will follow you no matter where you are located, since it is part of the NIH's NCBI platform which is free and open source. You simply have to change your email address and affiliations if you move.
Once you have signed in, you can access My NCBI settings and your NCBI home page "Dashboard" from a menu you access by clicking the person icon (or your login username) in the upper right corner.