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EndNote Support & FAQs

Some common and not-so-common questions about EndNote.

Can I create a separate library using the references in a bibliography created in EndNote?

There may be occasions where you want to copy all the references used in a Microsoft Word document to an EndNote library of its own. Perhaps you have a large EndNote library, but want to create a smaller EndNote library with only the subset of references used in your paper. This is called exporting a traveling library.

To do this:

In Word 2007/2010

  • Click on the EndNote tab.
  • Click on the Export to EndNote button and choose Export Traveling library.
  • Export the traveling library to an existing EndNote library or a new EndNote library and click OK.
  • If exporting to a new library name the library and click Save.

In earlier versions of Word

  • Go to Word>>Tools>>EndNote >>Export Traveling Library.
  • Export the traveling library to an existing EndNote library or a new EndNote library and click OK.
  • If exporting to a new library name the library and click Save.

The traveling library does not contain Notes, Abstracts, Images, or Captions.