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EndNote Support & FAQs

Some common and not-so-common questions about EndNote.

How do I create an EndNote Online account so I can sync my library online?

EndNote Online (formerly Web) is an online back-up and collaboration option for EndNote. An excellent guide and tutorial on how to do this is available from Clarivate Analytics here.

Can I use EndNote when collaborating with colleagues on papers?

Yes, you can, although there are different recommendations depending on your situation. The options are explained in this guide from Murdoch University.

Can I email an EndNote library or group to someone else?

Yes, you can. Your EndNote library can be attached to an email just like any other file. However, we recommend creating a compressed version of the library first (a file that includes your library and its corresponding data folder).

  • With your library open, go to File - Compressed Library (.enlx)
  • On the next screen, choose With or Without file attachments - it's best to choose "without" because including any attached PDFs will likely make the file too big to email
  • Leave at All References in Library, or if you would like to just send a group of references, select the group option and the group of interest
  • Click Next and save the file to a location of your choice
  • The compressed library file icon will look different from the original EndNote library file icon: it has a clamp/large C on it, and it will be called an archived library with the file extension .enlx
  • Attach this file to your email. The recipient will need to have EndNote installed to open it.