Is your computer managed by Feinberg School of Medicine IT? You may be able to use Self-Service to install EndNote. Try this before installing using the instructions below.
Is your computer managed by Northwestern Medicine or an affiliated hospital? You may need to contact your hospital IT to install EndNote if you don't have complete administrative rights over your computer.
The following instructions assume you have administrative rights on your computer and that you have a Northwestern NetID.
The university has purchased a site license for EndNote. Current Northwestern students, faculty and staff with valid NetIDs can download EndNote from the NUIT website. If you do not know your NetID or are having problems downloading the software, please contact NUIT at or (847) 491-HELP. Please follow the instructions below to the letter.
The current version available to the NU community through our site license is EndNote 21.
If you are leaving Northwestern and you have EndNote installed on your computer, your saved references will not disappear. You can still add references and use the Cite While You Write function in Word.
You will not, however, be able to download a new version of EndNote if EndNote updates or you get a new computer.