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Prism is an institutional repository for the research and scholarly output of Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University

Communication Suggestions for Prism

Communication Recommendations

Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center recommends communicating with authors when depositing material on their behalf or when you have co-authors for your materials. We have provided suggested communications to make it easier to connect with authors. Please edit these communications as needed for your purposes.

Copyright Permissions. Be sure you have the rights to upload and disseminate in Prism. The person or entity holding the copyright is often the author; however, some authors have transferred their copyright to journal or book publishers. Use JISC Open Policy Finder (formerly: Sherpa / RoMEO services) to check if the publisher allows for uploading to an institutional repository, and if so, which version of the article can be uploaded or if an embargo must be used. In addition, the copyright owner(s) should choose which Creative Commons license is used, and determine the visibility of the article. For detailed information, see Copyright in Prism and Visibility in Prism

Suggested communication for: