To upload a file record to Prism, please consult the following steps. The fields marked with an asterisk* are required. To watch a video demonstration of this process, click .
- Log in to Prism by clicking on the grey Log in button in the top right corner of the home page. PLEASE NOTE that a NetID is needed to access Prism. If this is the first time logging into Prism, learn
- Click on the + (plus sign) icon next to your name at the top, then select New upload from the dropdown menu —OR— select My dashboard from the dropdown menu to the right of your name, and then click on the green New upload button on the next page.

- At the top of the page click on the purple Select a community button to search for, and select, the community to which the record should be submitted. If the submission is accepted, the community will be linked on the record home page under Communities (and the record will appear within the community itself); if the submission is declined or cancelled, no changes to the record or the community occur, but the record will remain a draft which can then be published individually by the user. If a community is not selected, the record will simply be published in the general repository. (Click on this link to learn more about .)

- To upload one or more files to the record, either click on the purple Upload files button to locate and select the desired file(s) —OR— click on the file(s) in its current location then drag and drop it into the grey rectangle that says Drag and drop file(s). PLEASE NOTE that multiple files within a single record will be given one DOI. To generate a DOI for separate files please create separate records. BE AWARE that once a record has been published the only method for adding or modifying the file(s) is by creating a new version. (Click on this link to learn .) Up to 100 files or 10GB can be added to one record.

- Digital Object Identifier*: Select the applicable DOI option. Choose Yes if a DOI already exists for this upload, then copy and paste it in the now unhidden field to the right. Choose No if a DOI does not already exist, in order for one to be automatically assigned when the upload is published. PLEASE NOTE that multiple files within a single record will be given one DOI. (Click here to learn what a DOI does.)

- Resource type*: Select the applicable Resource type from the drop down menu. (Click on this link, then on "Appendix: Resource type" to .)
- Title*: Enter the desired Title for the upload, and click on Add titles to input Additional title(s) then select the appropriate type from the corresponding drop down menu. To delete any additional titles, click on the grey X to the right of the entry.
- Publication date*: Enter the Publication date according to YYYY-MM-DD format, or YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DD for intervals. In case your upload was already published elsewhere, please use the date of the first publication. MM and DD are optional, for intervals use DATE/DATE, e.g. 1939/1945. Format: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, or YYYY.
- Creators*: Click on Add creator and enter the applicable details according to person or organization. See index for more details about name identifiers, affiliations, and each role from the drop down menu. NOTE only family name or organization name is required, other fields are optional. Remember to click on Save or Save and add another when finished, or Cancel to abandon the entry. Once they are added, the order of the creators can be rearranged by clicking on and dragging the icon to the left of the individual names.

- Description: Enter the desired Description for the upload. Click on Add description to input Additional description(s) then select the appropriate type from the corresponding drop down menu. To delete any additional descriptions, click on the grey X to the right of the entry.
- Licenses: Click on the Edit button to choose a difference license than the pre-populated Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International option. Use the search bar to locate the desired license, or consult the index to learn which license is appropriate. Make sure to click on the Change license button to save any changes. To add another license click on Add standard, or click on Add custom to manually enter a custom license that is NOT already listed in the established options. To delete a listed license, click on the corresponding Remove button. PLEASE NOTE that in most cases a single license is sufficient. By depositing to Prism, your metadata is publicly accessible and may be openly accessed and freely reused under the CC0 waiver (except for descriptions, abstracts, acknowledgement, methods, series information, table of contents, and technical information). (Click on this link to .)

- Visibility*: Select the desired Visibility settings on the right side of the page, according to Full record and Files only preferences. PLEASE MAKE SURE to modify visibility settings BEFORE publishing the record.
- Setting the full record to public visibility makes the metadata and file(s) publicly accessible. This option allows anyone in the world to view the metadata of the deposit (such as the title, creators, etc.) and to view any files associated with the deposit.
- Setting the full record to restricted visibility makes the metadata and files only accessible to users specified in the permissions. This option allows the metadata for the deposit (such as the title, creators, etc.) and the files associated with it to be viewed ONLY by system administrators, users who receive a shared link, and if the record is submitted to a community, any community administrators and members. NOTE: Even restricted metadata is made publicly available on as a requirement for assigning a DOI to a record. Apply an embargo to restrict accessibility for a specific period of time by checking the corresponding box and providing a date. On this date the metadata and the files will automatically be made publicly accessible.
- If the full record is to set to public, there are two options for the files (when the full record is set to restricted these options are not available). Setting the files only to public visibility makes the metadata and files publicly accessible. Setting the files only to restricted visibility makes the metadata publicly accessible, but the files can only be accessed by users specified in the permissions. This option allows anyone in the world to view the metadata for the deposit (such as the title, creators, etc.) but the files associated with it can ONLY be viewed by system administrators, users who receive a shared link, and if the record is submitted to a community, any community administrators and members. Apply an embargo to restrict accessibility for a specific period of time by checking the corresponding box and providing a date. On this date the files will automatically be made publicly accessible.

- Draft: Select the preferred Save draft/Preview/Publish option to properly store or view the record.
- Draft: Choose the preferred option to Save draft, Preview, or Publish the record.
- Save draft will store the changes that have been made without publishing the record.
- Preview will provide an external view of the record without publishing it.
- Publish will finalize the record and its settings, making it permanent.
- Share will provide options for configuring access and adding users.

Recommended information, Alternate identifiers, and Related works are not required but they are available. Please consult the following steps if these metadata fields are necessary.
Recommended Information
- Contributor. Click on Add contributor and enter the applicable details according to person or organization. See index for more details about name identifiers, affiliations, and each role from the dropdown menu. Remember to click on Save or Save and add another when finished, or Cancel to abandon the entry. Once they are added, the order of the contributors can be rearranged by clicking on and dragging the individual names. NOTE only role is required; other fields are optional.
- Subjects. Add subjects by first selecting the appropriate vocabulary catalog. Then search the subject by name and click on the desired subject result to add it to the list. Search and add as many subjects as necessary. To learn more about subjects click the link, then click on "Recommended Information."
- Languages. Enter Language(s) by using the search box to find and select all that apply.
- Dates. Enter contribution date(s) according to YYYY-MM-DD format, or YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DD for intervals. MM and DD are optional; for intervals, use DATE/DATE, e.g., 1939/1945. Format: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, or YYYY. To add more dates, click on Add date, and to delete any dates click on the grey X to the right of the entry.
- Version. Enter the specific version of the software/dataset/etc. as needed. A semantic version string is preferred (see, but any version string is accepted. If a version string is not provided, the default assignment will begin with v1.
- Publisher. Since the digital publisher for this record is Prism, the digital repository for Galter Health Sciences Library at Northwestern University, it is the default publisher listed. Learn more about the publisher.
Add a standard funding award by clicking on Add awards, then search by the award name or the funder and select the appropriate result. Add a custom award by clicking on Add custom, then enter the funder and the appropriate award information. Make sure to click on the purple Add award button at the bottom of the window(s) to save any awards added.
Alternate Identifiers
Enter Alternate identifier(s) as needed and include the appropriate scheme from the dropdown menu. Learn more about alternate identifiers. To add additional alternate identifiers, click on Add identifier. To delete an alternate identifier, click on the grey X to the right of the entry.
Related Works
Enter the appropriate information for Related works, including relation, scheme, identifier, and resource type. Learn more about related works. To add additional related works, click on Add related work. To delete a related work, click on the grey X to the right of the entry.
Enter the appropriate Reference string under References. To add additional reference strings, click on Add reference. To delete a reference, click on the grey X to the right of the entry.