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Prism is an institutional repository for the research and scholarly output of Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University

Quick Access

Click on one of the following titles to directly access that section.

Access and Sharing

For Authenticated Users:

Share Option 

Share with Authenticated Users

Share with Non-Authenticated Users



Share directly with individual authenticated users. 

N/A (cannot share with non-authenticated users). 

View, Edit, Manage


Share with predefined groups (created by system admins). 

N/A (groups are for authenticated users only). 

View, Edit, Manage

Links (Unprotected) 

Generate and share unprotected links accessible by anyone. 

Generate and share unprotected links accessible by anyone. 

View, Edit 

Settings (Request Access) 

Allows authenticated users to request access. Requires approval and acceptance of conditions. Creates a unique link for email sharing. 

Allows non-authenticated users to request access. Requires approval and acceptance of conditions. Creates a unique link for email sharing. 

View, Edit 

For Non-Authenticated Users:

When a non-authenticated user receives a shared link to a record, they gain specific permissions within that record. These permissions include the ability to 

  • Create a new version of the record (upload new files, delete files, etc.)

  • Edit the record's metadata

  • Modify visibility settings for the record and its files

However, non-authenticated users cannot adjust the record's share settings. They cannot share with individuals, groups, generate new share links, or configure settings for access requests. NOTE: Please share links cautiously, as they grant significant editing capabilities to anyone with the link. 

Share with People

  1. Log in to Prism by clicking on the grey Log in button in the top right corner of the home page. PLEASE NOTE that a NetID is needed to access Prism.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu to the right of your name, then select My dashboard.
  3. Locate the desired record and click on it.
  4. On the record home page, click on the purple Share button on the right side.
  5. Choose the People tab from the different "Share access" options.

  6. Click on the green Add people button.

  7. In the pop-out window, search for the desired user(s) by email, full name or username. Multiple users can be added, but please note that only users with a public profile can be invited. 

  8. Select the appropriate access level for the user by clicking on it. To learn more about access levels, please consult the box near the top of this page titled "Access and Sharing."

  9. The default setting for notification is on, with a notification message box for additional text. To turn it off, deselect the checkbox by clicking on it. Please note, there is no option for additional text in the case of no notification.

  10. Click on the purple Add button to finish sharing.

Share with Groups

Groups in Prism can only be created and edited by system administrators. Please contact if you want a group created, and include a list of users' NetIDs who will belong to the group.

  1. Log in to Prism by clicking on the grey Log in button in the top right corner of the home page. PLEASE NOTE that a NetID is needed to access Prism.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu to the right of your name, then select My dashboard.
  3. Locate the desired record and click on it.
  4. On the record home page, click on the purple Share button on the right side.
  5. Choose the Groups tab from the different "Share access" options.
  6. Click on the green Add groups button.
  7. In the pop-out window, search for the desired group(s) by name. Multiple groups can be added.

  8. Select the appropriate access level for the group(s) by clicking on it. To learn more about access levels, please consult the box near the top of this page titled "Access and Sharing."

  9. Click on the purple Add button to finish sharing. Note: upon addition, selected groups will have access to the record without any kind of notification.

Share with Links

  1. Log in to Prism by clicking on the grey Log in button in the top right corner of the home page. PLEASE NOTE that a NetID is needed to access Prism.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu to the right of your name, then select My dashboard.
  3. Locate the desired record and click on it.
  4. On the record home page, click on the purple Share button on the right side.
  5. Choose the Links tab from the different "Share access" options.
  6. Input a short name for your link (optional), then choose an expiration date for it. The date format must be entered as YYYY-MM-DD, but if the field is left blank there will be no expiration date at all.

  7. Use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate access level for the link. Please note: every person who clicks on this link will be granted the same access level. To learn more about access levels, please consult the box near the top of this page titled "Access and Sharing."

  8. Click on the green Create a new link button.

  9. The newly created link will appear listed above the entry fields along with any previously created links. The title, time/date of creation, and expiration date will also be listed.

  10. To change a link's access level, click on its corresponding drop-down menu under Access and choose a new level. A green check mark will appear next to the drop-down menu to confirm the change, then disappear.

  11. Click on the red Delete button to delete the link altogether. PLEASE NOTE: this cannot be undone.

  12. Click on the grey Copy link button to easily copy the link for sharing.

Share Settings

  1. Log in to Prism by clicking on the grey Log in button in the top right corner of the home page. PLEASE NOTE that a NetID is needed to access Prism.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu to the right of your name, then select My dashboard.
  3. Locate the desired record and click on it.
  4. On the record home page, click on the purple Share button on the right side.
  5. Choose the Settings tab from the different "Share access" options.
  6. Choose the desired setting(s) for access requests. When access is requested by someone, you will get an e-mail asking for approval. After you approve a request, users will be granted access and guests will receive a secret link. To learn more access options, please consult the box near the top of this page titled "Access and Sharing."
  7. Choose to include conditions for approving a request or not (optional). This message will be visible for any user when requesting access to this record. Consult the example below for sample text.
    • Example:
      "By accepting these terms, you will be granted access to view and download this work, subject to approval by the record owner. Please note that the record owner reserves the right to revoke your access to view or download this work at any time."

      In particular, you agree to the following conditions:
      • Use the material in full compliance with the Creative Commons license specified by the copyright holder.
      • Refrain from distributing or sharing this work outside the repository unless permitted by the Creative Commons license. If the license allows distribution, it must comply with its terms (e.g., attribution, non-commercial use). If no Creative Commons license is applied, explicit permission from the copyright holder is required for any distribution. 
      • Provide proper attribution to the original author, following the guidelines specified in the Creative Commons license. This includes crediting the author, providing the title of the work, and linking back to the repository or the original source.
      • Not misrepresent the work, including any implication of endorsement or approval by the author without their prior consent."
  8. From the drop-down menu, select a time period after which the link will expire. The default is set to Never, with no expiration at all.
  9. Click on the purple Save button to finish.