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Prism is an institutional repository for the research and scholarly output of Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University

Quick Access

Click on one of the following titles to directly access that section.

Edit Metadata of Record

*Editing a record overwrites the original, replacing the record’s information with any changes made. Once an edit is published, the previous record and information is no longer accessible. NOTE: Editing a record does not change its DOI. These instructions cover editing.

*Versioning a record preserves the original record(s), tracks changes, and facilitates the input of new or updated metadata and files. When a new version is published, the previous version(s) remains accessible. NOTE: Each version is assigned a unique DOI. (Click here to learn how to version a record.)

  1. Log in to Prism by clicking on the grey Log in button in the top right corner of the home page. PLEASE NOTE that a NetID is needed to access Prism.
    Log in to Prism
  2. Click on the dropdown menu to the right of your name, then select My dashboard.
    My dashboard
  3. Click on the grey Edit button to the right of the desired record –OR— click on the desired record from the list of uploads, followed by the grey Edit button on the right side of the following page.
    Edit record
  4. Replace files and/or edit specific fields to change this record in the desired manner.
  5. Select the preferred Save draft/Preview/Publish option to properly store or view the record.
    1. Save draft will store the changes that have been made without publishing the record.
    2. Preview will provide an external view of the record without publishing it.
    3. Publish will finalize the record and its settings, at which point the record and files can no longer be deleted.
    4. Share will provide options for configuring access and adding users.
    5. Discard changes (below visibility box) will abandon the changes made and exit the page.
      Share options

Roles with View or Edit Privileges

There are several system roles in the repository that impact who can view and edit a record. A record in Prism consists of metadata (such as the title, creators, etc.) and the associated files, unless the record is specified to be metadata-only. 

  • Depositor: The person making the deposit can view and edit the record at any time, regardless of the record status as a draft or published, or the visibility of a published record as public or restricted. They can also upload new versions of the files to the original record.  
  • System administrator: System administrators may view and edit the record, regardless of the record status as a draft or published, or of the visibility of a published record as public or restricted in any way, in order to properly administer the repository and preserve the contents of Prism for future use. While they can edit the record and upload new versions of files to the original record, the responsibility for this belongs to the depositor.  
  • Community owners: Community owners have full administrative access to the entire community. If a record is submitted to their community, they will be able to view and edit that record, regardless of the record status as a draft or published, or of the visibility of the record as public or restricted in any way. While they can edit the record and upload new versions of files to the original record, the responsibility for this belongs to the depositor. 
  • Community managers: Community managers can manage members, curate records and view restricted records. If a record is submitted to their community, they will be able to view and edit that record, regardless of the record status as a draft or published, or of the visibility of the record as public or restricted in any way. While they can edit the record and upload new versions of files to the original record, the responsibility for this belongs to the depositor.
  • Community curators: Community curators can curate records and view restricted records. If a record is submitted to their community, they will be able to view and edit that record, regardless of the record status as a draft or published, or of the visibility of the record as public or restricted in any way. While they can edit the record and upload new versions of files to the original record, the responsibility for this belongs to the depositor.
  • Community Readers: Community members are known as readers and can view a record that has been submitted and accepted into a community, regardless of the record status as draft or published or of the visibility the record as public or restricted in any way.
  • Users with specific permissions: Once a record is published, the depositor can use the “Share” option to create a unique link that has “View”, “Preview”, and “Edit” privileges for whomever has the link. 



Can Edit Record Can View Restricted Record Can View Public Record





System Administrator




Non-affiliated Viewer




If record is shared with Community by Depositor:

Community Owner




Community Manager




Community Curator




Community Reader


