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Prism is an institutional repository for the research and scholarly output of Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University

Quick Access

Invite Community Members

When inviting users to join a community, keep in mind that the current limit is 100 members per community. Once the 100 member limit is reached, a community will need to delete select users to make room for additional members.

  1. Log in to Prism by clicking on the grey button in the top right corner of the home page. PLEASE NOTE that a NetID is needed to access Prism.
  2. Click on Communities at the top left of the page –OR— go to My dashboard and then select the Communities tab.
  3. Click on the desired Community from the options.
  4. Click on the Members tab.
  5. Click on Invitations on the left.
  6. Click on the green Invite... button on the right side of the page. NOTE only owners and managers can invite other users to join the community.
  7. Enter the email, full name, or username of the desired person. NOTE users must have their profile visibility set to Public in order to receive an invitation to a community. 
  8. Select the appropriate role for the invitee. If in doubt, please consult the “Roles with View or Edit Privileges” table below.
    Can Edit Record Can View Restricted Record Can View Public Record





    System Administrator




    Non-affiliated Viewer




    If record is shared with Community by Depositor:

    Community Owner




    Community Manager




    Community Curator




    Community Reader




  9. Enter a message to the invitee, or leave the field blank.
  10. Click on the purple Invite button at the bottom, or click on Cancel to abandon the process. Multiple users can be invited at once, provided they share the same role. NOTE invitees have 30 days to accept the invitation before it automatically expires and becomes invalid.
  11. Sort through previously sent invitations by searching for a name, or use the provided filters. The Open and Closed toggle buttons differentiate between pending and resolved invitations respectively. NOTE pending invitations require the invitee to accept or decline the invite, while resolved invitations are complete and require no further action. The Role and Status dropdown menus facilitate queries for specific invitees.

Manage Community Members

  1. Log in to Prism by clicking on the grey button in the top right corner of the home page. PLEASE NOTE that a NetID is needed to access Prism.
  2. Click on Communities at the top left of the page –OR— go to My dashboard and then select the Communities tab.
  3. Click on the desired Community from the options.
  4. Click on the Members tab.
  5. Search a name or use the provided filters to query for the desired individual(s). Role, Visibility, and Name criteria facilitate queries for specific invitees.
  6. To change a member’s role, visibility setting, or membership status, check the empty box to the left of the member’s name (multiple members can be edited at the same time via this process). NOTE only the individual user themselves can change their visibility from hidden to public.
  7. Then click on the dropdown menu above the list of names, and select the intended action from the options. Change roles will pop out a window to select a new role for the selected members. Change visibilities will pop out a window to select a new visibility setting for the desired members. Remove from community will pop out a window to confirm the selected members who will be removed. Members can also be removed by clicking on the grey Remove… button on the right side of the individual’s row.
  8. Finish the desired process by clicking on the purple confirmation button in the bottom right of the pop out window, or click on Cancel to abandon the process.
  9. It is also possible to change your own Visibility setting and community membership from the Members list. To change the visibility, click on the dropdown menu beneath Visibility, and select the desired setting. To leave the community click on the red Leave… button on the right side of the row.

Accept/Decline a Record submitted to a Community

  1. Log in to Prism by clicking on the grey button in the top right corner of the home page. PLEASE NOTE that a NetID is needed to access Prism.
  2. Click on Communities at the top left of the page –OR— go to My dashboard and then select the Communities tab.
  3. Click on the desired Community from the options.
  4. Click on the Requests tab.
  5. If necessary, sort through submission requests by utilizing the different provided filters.
    • The Open and Closed toggle buttons differentiate between pending and resolved requests respectively. Pending requests require a community owner or manager to accept or decline the request, while resolved requests are complete and require no further action.
    • Use the search bar to search for submission requests by inputting text. NOTE results will match records with the searched term(s) in any field. Stemming is applied, so e.g. “science” will also match “sciences,” and search results are ranked according to an algorithm that takes your query terms into account.
    • The Sort by dropdown menu facilitates queries by offering results organized by Best match, Newest, or Oldest
    • Filter submission requests by type by checking the boxes next to the desired types on the left. To the right of each type is a number, which represents the total requests that fit within that categorization. To reset this filter click on the white Clear button above the type options.
    • Filter submission requests by status by checking the desired boxes next to the status options on the left. To the right of each option is a number, which represents the total requests that fit within that categorization. To reset this filter click on the white Clear button above the status options.
  6. After locating the desired submission requests(s), click on the green Accept button to add the record to the community, or the red Decline button to reject the request. NOTE only community owners and managers can accept or decline submission requests.
  7. Once the record is accepted or declined, the request is closed. If the submission is accepted, the community will be linked on the record home page under Communities (and the record will appear within the community itself); if the submission is declined or cancelled, no changes to the record or the community occur, but the record will remain a draft which can then be published individually by the user (without the community).

Community Identifier and Deletion

Change Identifier

  1. Log in to Prism by clicking on the grey button in the top right corner of the home page. PLEASE NOTE that a NetID is needed to access Prism.
  2. Click on Communities at the top left of the page –OR— go to My dashboard and then select the Communities tab.
  3. Click on the desired Community from the options.
  4. Click on Settings
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page
  6. Click on the red Change identifier button in the Danger zone box
  7. Enter the new identifier and complete the process by clicking on Change, or abandon the action by clicking on Cancel. NOTE changing the community’s unique identifier can have unintended side effects (such as old URLs with the previous identifier will no longer link properly).

Delete Community

  1. Log in to Prism by clicking on the grey button in the top right corner of the home page. PLEASE NOTE that a NetID is needed to access Prism.
  2. Click on Communities at the top left of the page –OR— go to My dashboard and then select the Communities tab.
  3. Click on the desired Community from the options.
  4. Click on Settings
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page
  6. Click on the red Delete community button in the Danger zone box
  7. Check each box to accept the changes caused by deleting a community, and type in the community's unique identifier as it is written. Complete the process by clicking on Permanently delete, or abandon the action by clicking on Cancel. NOTE once deleted, the community will be completely erased and the action cannot be undone.