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Choosing a Journal

Strategies and tools for investigating and evaluating your options

Wiley Journals

Northwestern authors can publish their articles as open access at no cost (*) in all Wiley hybrid journals, and all Wiley gold journals, from January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025.  

What do authors need to do to publish OA at no cost in Wiley hybrid and gold journals?  

Corresponding authors must identify themselves as being affiliated with Northwestern University when submitting articles through the Wiley publishing workflow process. 

For Wiley hybrid journals, you will use the Wiley submission system. Once your article has been accepted, upon logging into the Wiley Author Dashboard, you will see the option to make it OA. As part of Wiley’s OA request workflow, you must indicate your affiliation with a participating BTAA institution. 

For Wiley gold journals, you will use the Wiley article submission system. At the time you submit your article, in the Article Publication Charge section, you must select “My institution or funder has an agreement with Wiley…” To indicate your affiliation with a participating BTAA institution, use Wiley’s Account Code Tool to find your institution’s Account Code, and then enter it into the submission form. You will receive an email confirming that if your article is accepted, it will be published OA at no cost to you. 

* Note: The Wiley agreement for article publishing does not include extra charges for color illustrations or supplemental material.

Further inquiries and questions can be directed to Elsa Álvaro, the Associate University Librarian for Collections and Access, Northwestern University Libraries at

Is my accepted article eligible?

Eligible publications have a corresponding author from Northwestern University or a participating BTAA institution, are primary research and review articles (which may include original articles, case studies, reviews, and short communications), and are accepted for publication in a Wiley hybrid journal or submitted and accepted to a Wiley gold journal during the term of the agreement.  

How can I find Wiley hybrid and gold journals?  

To find Wiley titles, use the Wiley Journal Recommender System and filter the Search Results using the Open Access filter by selecting “Yes” (t to find only gold OA journals and “Optional” to find only hybrid journals. ​ 

What are the copyright considerations for Wiley hybrid and gold journals? 

Publications by Northwestern authors in Wiley hybrid and gold journals will be made open access and authors can generally choose from three Creative Commons Licenses: CC-BY, CC-BY-NC, and CC-BY-NC-ND . Read your chosen journal’s author guidelines for details on the journal’s specific copyright agreement.  


American Physiological Society Journals

Effective January 2025, an institutional S2O (Subscribe to Open) agreement is in place for these participating APS journals (AJP Consolidated package):

  • American journal of physiology. Cell physiology.
  • American journal of physiology. Endocrine and metabolism.
  • American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology.
  • American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology.
  • American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.
  • American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative, and comparative physiology.
  • American journal of physiology. Renal physiology.

These journals waive APCs (article processing charges) for Northwestern corresponding authors for accepted articles. Read more information about the fees (including the flat fee to publish). Additional discounts are available for APS members.



American Society for Microbiology Journals

Effective January 2025, an institutional S2O (Subscribe to Open) agreement is in place for these participating ASM journals:

  • Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
  • Applied and Environmental Microbiology
  • Infection and Immunity
  • Journal of Bacteriology
  • Journal of Clinical Microbiology
  • Journal of Virology

For these journals, APCs (article processing charges) are waived for Northwestern corresponding authors, but authors are still responsible for page charges and supplemental material fees, receiving a significant discount. Additional discounts are available for ASM members.

For more information or to check the current status of the program, see the American Society for Microbiology S2O information page.

Biochemical Society Journals

The agreement between Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) and the Biochemical Society is in place from 11/2023 until the end of 2026. It guarantees uncapped, fee-free open access (OA) publishing for corresponding authors at participating institutions (including Northwestern University). All Biochemical Society journals are included. Alongside is full read access to all Biochemical Society journals (published by the Society's publishing arm, Portland Press). 

For participating institutions: 

  • Unlimited Gold OA publishing for corresponding authors across all of the journals, ensuring funder compliance and without the need for any payment of article publishing charges; 
  • Read access to all journals and their full archives, in perpetuity, across the portfolio; 
  • Simple R&P workflow for authors: the editorial submission system has been updated to ensure that publishing in the journals means OA publishing, by default, for all affiliated corresponding authors... 

See more information in the BTAA site.

BMJ Case Reports

A Galter institutional subscription (fellowship) enables Northwestern authors to not pay individual article processing charges for accepted articles in BMJ Case Reports. There is an extra fee to make the accepted article immediately open access (to non-subscribers); all reports are made openly available in PubMed Central after a 24 month embargo. 

For more information about submission information for publishing in BMJ Case Reports, contact the Galter reference team <> or Galter's liaison librarians

MDPI Discount

Authors affiliated with Northwestern University receive a 10% discount on the article processing charges (APCs) for any paper published in an MDPI journal. Note that only one discount through an IOAP scheme is permitted per paper, and the discount cannot be combined with other available discounts (e.g. discount vouchers or society membership discounts).

Authors can also benefit from a 10% discount on the Book Processing Charges for MDPI Books.  

Instructions for receiving the MDPI discount:

When a paper is submitted, it is automatically matched to a list of participating universities based on the email address. Authors are asked to confirm the choice, or select an institution if none was found. MDPI staff verify each selection as part of the initial screening of submitted papers. See more information here.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Discount

Institutional site license (subscription) discount for Northwestern University authors

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)

Corresponding authors receive a discount open access fee of $5,300, since Galter Library maintains an institutional current-year site license for Northwestern University. This is a savings compared to the regular fee ($5,800) and makes the articles immediately free online. Authors of accepted papers should note the reduced fee ($5,300) on the PNAS billing forms included with the author proofs.


Open Book Publishing at Northwestern

Open Book Publishing is a simple book production software that is powered by Pressbooks and available to Northwestern faculty and staff who want to publish openly licensed materials. You can use Open Book Publishing to create and publish original materials, or to adapt existing openly licensed materials such as open educational resources (OER), textbooks, scholarly monographs, fiction and non-fiction books, white papers, and more. Open Book Publishing supports integration of embedded multimedia, interactive exercises, mathematical equations, and web annotation.

Published webbooks are mobile friendly, and can be exported in multiple formats, including accessible EPUBs and PDFs that can be distributed digitally or printed at cost.

If you are interested in setting up an account, contact

Funder Support for Open Access

While open access implies that information doesn’t cost anything to access, it does sometimes involve costs to the author to publish the work. Hybrid journals (a subscription journal in which some of the articles are open access) and fully open access journals often require an article processing fee or charge.

NIH funded researchers may consider including the cost of publishing in their NIH grant applications, according to the NIH Grants Policy Statement. See the grants policy for more information. Other funders may also allow inclusion of article publishing charges in their research grants. (sample list)

Other Discounts

Discounts and waived APCs for Northwestern authors in other specialized disciplines (chemistry, microbiology, physics, social sciences) may also be available:

  • Annual Reviews [Note: All Annual Reviews content is published by invitation only. If you are invited to publish an article with Annual Reviews, you should not need to take any action to publish Open Access. This publisher follows a S20 (Subscribe to Open) model].
  • Association for Computing Machinery [effective Jan. 1, 2024 until 2027]
  • Cambridge University Press [effective January 1, 2024 until December 31, 2026]
    • Northwestern corresponding authors can choose to publish their research articles, case reports, brief reports, review articles, and rapid communications in gold or hybrid journals without needing to pay the article processing charges. 
    • The following six (6) titles are excluded from this agreement: Africa Bibliography; Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales; Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales (English edition); Behavioral and Brain Sciences; PMLA / Publications of the Modern Language Association of America; New Surveys in the Classics
  • Company of Biologists [restricted to research from the Evanston campus]
  • Microbiology Society [Jan. 1, 2023 until December 31, 2025]
  • Royal Society of Chemistry [all hybrid and gold open access portfolio]
  • SCOAP3 [particle physics; effective for additional 3 years commencing in 2025]

For more information, refer to the "Journals covered by open access agreements" list or contact the liaisons librarians in Galter Library, or the liaison librarians in the University Library (Evanston campus)

Discounts for society members

Some scientific societies apply member discounts for articles whose corresponding authors are members in good standing at the date an article is accepted. Some societies are moving to new licensing models for their journals (such as subscribe to open (S2O), waiving APCs for authors whose libraries subscribe to the societies' participating journals. There may be additional discounts for individual society members. Please review the societies' or journals' sites for more information about publication and other discounts they may make available to individual society member authors.