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Open Researcher and Contributor ID

Frequently Asked Questions

I already have an ORCID iD, do I need a new one?
No, if you’ve already registered for an ORCID iD (something only you can do for yourself), then you don’t need to create a new one. ORCID is like a social security number for research authorship. You only need one ORCID iD, no matter if you change your name, your employment, your institution, or your research area.

I’m not an author, do I still need an ORCID iD?
Yes! Publishers and funding agencies have increasingly employed ORCID as a tool to manage submissions and applications. If you contribute to any scholarly project, you should have an ORCID iD.

I forgot my ORCID password, what do I do?
Don’t worry, you can reset your password during the sign in process by clicking on the “Reset it here” link. If you don’t receive a password reset email, then you either don’t have an ORCID iD, or you didn’t use your Northwestern email to sign up for it. Check your other email accounts just to be sure. If you can’t find the password reset email, it could mean that you haven’t signed up for an ORCID iD – create a new ORCID iD here. Or it could mean you no longer have access to the email address you used to sign up for your ORCID iD – please submit a ticket with ORCID here

I can't find the password reset email sent by ORCID? Or, I no longer have access to that email address. What do I do? 
If you can’t find the password reset email, it could mean that you haven’t signed up for an ORCID iD – create a new ORCID iD here. Or it could mean you no longer have access to the email address you used to sign up for your ORCID iD – please submit a ticket with ORCID here

What is an ORCID record (also known as an ORCID profile)?

Your ORCID profile, also known as your ORCID record, contains information about you, such as any name variations you use, your email addresses, any websites associated with your work, and keywords describing your work. ORCID provides some helpful information on "Building your ORCID record & connecting your iD."

How do I connect works to my ORCID iD?

You can connect your publications to your ORCID iD using your ORCID profile (also known as an ORCID record). ORCID provides some helpful information on "Adding works to your ORCID record".

How do I connect my ORCID iD and my eRA Commons account?

Starting October 1, 2019, ORCID identifiers will be required for individuals supported by institutional research training, career development, and other research education awards. xTrain appointments will not be accepted for agency review if potential appointees do not have an ORCID iD linked to their eRA personal profile.

Linking an ORCID iD and eRA profile is something that each individual student or researcher must do. See instructions from the eRA Commons website on how to link your ORCID iD and your eRA Commons Profile.

How do I revoke access for a trusted organization?

You can revoke permissions at any time. Go to the Trusted organizations section of your account settings page and click delete (the trash can icon) near the name of the organization whose access you want to revoke.

Why should I connect my ORCID iD to Northwestern systems?

Connecting your ORCID to Northwestern systems will enable you to:

  • Read data from your ORCID profile into Northwestern systems.
  • Push updates from Northwestern systems to your ORCID profile.

Connecting your ORCID iD to Northwestern systems enhances your research profile by streamlining workflows for publication submissions, grant applications, and showcasing your contributions on webpages.