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Open Researcher and Contributor ID

Overview of Video Demonstrations

Click on one of the following titles to directly access that video.

Getting an ORCID iD

To read step-by-step instructions of this process, click here.

Adding Works by Direct Import

To read step-by-step instructions of this process, click here.

Adding Work Using Identifiers

To read step-by-step instructions of this process, click here.

Adding Works by BibTeX Import

To read step-by-step instructions of this process, click here.

Adding Work Manually

To read step-by-step instructions of this process, click here.

Adding Funding

To read step-by-step instructions of this process, click here.

Adding a Delegate

To read step-by-step instructions of this process, click here.

Acting as a Delegate

To read step-by-step instructions of this process, click here.

Adding Trusted Organizations

To read step-by-step instructions of this process, click here.

Adding ORCID in Elements

To read step-by-step instructions of this process, click here.