When searching Ebsco databases, there are two ways to save citations into your EndNote library. If you are working with larger result sets, you will likely want to use the email option. Be sure you have the latest EndNote import filters for the databases you are searching installed on your computer.
Importing References Using Folders
- Run your search in PsycINFO, CINAHL with Full Text, or any other Ebsco database.
- Click Add to Folder for each reference you want to export to EndNote.
- Click Folder in the banner at the top of the page.
- Select all references in your folder and click the Export button.
- Follow the instructions on the resulting page to export the references to EndNote.
This video shows you how to export results from EBSCO databases into EndNote.
Email Search Results as an RIS File
If you are working with larger result sets up to 25,000, you will likely want have your references emailed to you as an RIS file which can be imported into EndNote.
- Run your search in PsycINFO, CINAHL with Full Text, or any other EBSCO database.
- From the Share drop-down menu choose Email a link to download exported results.
- Be sure to choose RIS Format when filling out the form to have results emailed to you (some databases default to XML which won't work).
- You will receive an email with a link to download the results as an RIS file.
- Open your EndNote Library, then open the RIS file.